that's right folks, she got banned from that forum for rude disruptive behaviors!! hahaha so here's is how the story goes...........there was someone wanting advice about buying feed and hay etc. for goats. they'd gone to a feed store and left confused. some of the replies are as follows. this is in regards to an employee that gave advice based off of what he'd been told or otherwise.
"He's and idiot, you want alfalfa, remember people working at feed stores and TSC are employees, who may know a lot, or know just enough to be dangerous. No, he's wrong, grass hay is for horses and cows, NOT GOATS! The people buying grass for goats when alfalfa is available just don't know any better!! "
her reply to these puffed ego's was as follows....
"well i guess i'm just a big dumbass cause my goats get bermuda GRASS hay and alfalfa hay is available to me BUT they get alfalfa pellets. furthermore, person doing research, the people at those stores are not idiots, they are uninformed. be nice to them cause they might just find a part you are looking for or know the number of someone local that might just help you one day. no one is an expert and those claiming to be are snobs. you will NEVER hear the same thing in regards to goats, rabbits, chickens, fish, children etc. so take it all in and then decide what best fits you. around here the goat people feed their goats dairy cow feed. i personally wouldn't, but hey, not my goat."
and this too
"one more thing, what i did is found two people i highly respect that have goats. one is my dealer and the other one does things completely different. i get my info from both of them. if i have a concern i email both of them combine their advice and go from there. then it's easier to figure it out rather than having fifty people tell you fifty different things. the end result of that is pattern baldness from pulling out your hair. "
now what is rude and disruptive about that. she could have said what she really thought to the people who put dresses on their goats, let them run around the house, and call them baby girl!! not to mention the general attitude at forums. she posted picture of two rabbits in a tub that had been breeding just to show a pic of my rabbits. some lady was allover her about how she should only leave them together for a certain amount of time and blah, blah, blah!! she was just posting a bloody picture!! some of those people are nut jobs!! of course this is the lady who wanted to charge $500 if she EVER found one of her rabbits you purchase in a shelter!!! cause you know when you buy a $25 dollar rabbit it isn't yours, it's hers.
so anyway that's her getting banned story. oh dear what will she do. she feeds her goats grass hay and she won't have the forum experts to guide her. all of us animals will surely perish!!! hahaha
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Oh dear! Some people are very odd! You are always welcome on my site! Thank you for popping by earlier!
Over here we have a saying, "Don't let the b***tards grind you down."
I don't know what that means as I'm only little.
I prefer "Up yer bum!" to anyone who annoys me. HEHEHEHEEE.
up yer bum? i like that. i might try that out. we used to go see you alot more but since we got the rabbits, chicks and goats we've been very busy. luckily my human still remembers to feed me! if she ever forgets there will be hell to pay!! thanks for visiting.
My new battle cry! "Up yer bum!" I'm stealing it! To all you goat dressing freaks, "UP YER BUMS!"
But I think I'll buy Kaldi a dress for you to put him in. Then you can post pictures on the goat forums and everyone will love you again.
hahaha please don't do that. my human will kill you, i'm certain of it!
WHAT??? You were banned for that? That really makes me mad! I don't see how your response was any more offensive than plenty of other posts on that website! One of the first things I figured out when posting questions on those message boards is that you really can't go by what any one person says. You can get 15 different answers that are in complete contrast to one another. Makes you realize that you probably aren't going to accidentally kill your goat by what feed you're giving them, or how often you worm them, or whatever that particular poster is worried about. As evidenced on these message boards, there is no one right way to do anything. You had a legitimate response. Maybe not using "cuss words" would have been a good idea.
I use grass hay too. I prefer it to alfalfa - which I fed exclusively to all my goats for well over a year. It just seemed unnecessary to give them grain AND alfalfa - except for one doe that was bred. Whatever.
I am happy to see that you gave your opinion. I would have just shook my head in frustration and gone to some website about rainbows or something.
Good for you!
yes well my human also gives her goats sweet feed and many people just get plain irrate about that. actually the rabbits and chickens get sweet feed mixed in with their food too. around these parts that's what people feed their goats so my human gave it a try and every goat has been fine. she gives bermuda hay, alfalfa pellets (milkers only), and whatever else they can have. she hasn't killed anything so she must be doing okay.
thanks for the visit
It is really sad when people have to be so childish as to post half truths. Instead of believing this lie, I suggest you all head over to and look up Stacey, then read all of her posts, you will see-"rude disruptive behaviors" were part of how she operates. Her attitude was was help me, help me, help me, you're full of crap. Life is too short to spend money on a site and have to deal with that kind of behavior. You see, unlike many of the hateful sites you will find where the owners of the forum are on the cheap and running the sites for free, actually pays to have their site up and running on a fast server, where they PAY for the forum name, not just steal it from other sites.
Go ahead and tell ME what you think about letting my Princess run about my house in a dress!! There is nothing wrong with loving an animal.
While you're at it, tell me what is wrong with being a proactive rabbit breeder who takes whole
responsibility for rabbits they sell? Do you not believe there is a problem in shelters with unwanted pets? A lot of these rabbits in a shelter get put to sleep. Someone has to deal with these issues and if I can stop someone from trying to buy a rabbit for 1 month jolly, by god I will!! My animals do NOT go to unwanted homes. I take pride in that! If a $500 fine is what it takes, so be it!
Life is full of people with opinions. We do not all agree, that’s a fact and sometimes the truth hurts. Bad mouthing behind others behind their backs is not the way to disagree, as an educated adult, we have to just simply let it go and go on about life.
p.s.Goat Talk is a great place with many educated people who have devoted their personal time to help people with their goats.
Yep, I agree is the best site on the net. Those other copycats have a lot to learn from the real GoatTalk forum.
uh, i can't believe you girls are still on about this. but hey talk amongst yourselves and i'll have a drink while you do. oh and this may be news to you but alot of people think dressing livestock up is a little odd. some people put dresses on their goats and some people eat their goats. as far as rabbits ending up in shelters, well the shelters could be feeding those rabbits to all those unwanted cats and dogs and saving on the feed bill. i just reread these replies again cause i'm lost. who the heck is stacey? and who is talking behind someones back ?this all looks pretty public to me. well this is where i simply say......women!!
Who started this rant? Who started this blog? Stacy Roop, that is who, and guess what, now you are complaining IN PUBLIC, CHILD LIKE AGAIN. Stacy, grow up, it serves no one to attack others.
If someone wants to dress their animals, it is NONE of your business or mine, it is their animal. I don't do it, but it doesn't matter, it is THEIR animal, and as long as they aren't hurting that animal I/you need to keep my/your mouth shut.
As far as the $500. fee goes, it is a sign of responsiblity for a breeder to want to protect their animal, the one they brought into the world, the one that wouldn't be here without the breeders input. Obviously you do not feel the same, that makes you a goat mill, not a responsible breeder.
Hate on, it is your nature, it is eating you up inside, me, I'm going back to where adults gather to support each other, in kindness, with compassion, and maturity.
well stacey roop whoever has nothing to do with this blog. anyway what this all is is called grave digging but thanks for the re-visit to ancient history. it's been exciting girls, really.
gerald the majestic hate monger
Gerald - this is so funny. How many goats have you sold from your mill again? And they think you are someone who lives 1500 miles from you. I guess their delusions aren't limited to goats.
since when did GT become the only forum out there who actually pays? LOL I know quite a few who pay for the use of their web space. *duno, maybe its just me*
Oh and my goats get grass hay and sweet feed :D and I am pure proud of it!!!
Yah who is Stacy?
OMG I remember you now Gerald77, you're the one who feeds table scraps to her goats and is proud of it. Do you dumpster dive for your children as well?
n - (By the way, did you not finish learning the alphabet and that "n" as far as you got? You poor thing - I can send you the rest of the letters if you need to come up with a real name. But, I digress.....)
You may have heard of a little goat operation called Fias Co Farm - they actually recommend feeding scraps to goats. However, I happen to know Gerald gives his goats tasty little brand new bags of baby carrots. I guess in some elite circles that might qualify as scraps, but around my house we call it fresh produce.
You are a sad, pathetic little person to have nothing better to do but search out a post made 7 months ago and spend your days thinking of things to say about it.
As b.t. bear would say, "Up yer bum!"
By the way, "n" (is that short for Ninny?) - if someone goes to and looks up Stacey's posts, what does that have to do with gerald77 and anything else on this blog? You are obviously not only sad and pathetic, but delusional too. We can send meds, if you need them. On second thought, people who attack the parenting skills of people they don't even know probably don't desire a cut of our good drugs.
oh good "n" you got the dumpster diving cookbook my human wrote. the shoe loaf is my pesonal favorite with the rotten banana peel mousse.
gerald the trash eating goat
Isn't it interesting that only comments that support bad behavior are left on this site? I find it incredible that a hate monger can so blatantly censor free thought.
Isn't it interesting that only comments that support bad behavior are left on this site? I find it incredible that a hate monger can so blatantly censor free thought.
Yang, what dog do you have in this fight? Gerald77 slammed a forum I am involved in, get over yourself. I didn't start this blog.
Stacey, challenge to say the least, and the mood of this blog lead me to belive she was the one who started it. If you had read the thread you would realize I corrected my error.
It is a small world we live in and people who spread lies are found out, sometimes they are even called out on it. That is what happened here, there was a lie that started the blog, and others jumped in to correct the lie.
Yang, how much investigating have you done on this issue? Have you bothered to look for the truth, or just jump in to poison the well?
n - I'm not sure what bad behaviour you are talking about. Is it the dreaded feeding goats scraps, or the fact that someone would have the audicity to question your sacred forum? Please clarify.
Please also explain how you feel anyone here is censoring anything. It appears Gerald is quite the free thinker and I have yet to see any signs of censorship. Whatever are you referring to? Perhaps you are still in need of those meds after all.
My dog, as you so eloquently put it, is elitist forum folk who think their way is the only way and anyone who does not follow their lead is not only a bad goat owner, but a bad person. While I can say there are some lovely goat forums out there, filled with kind, helpful people who don't feel the need to insult, condescend, or demean anyone with a thought of their own, you are obviously not among those people.
Yes, dear n, I have read the lovely thread and all the comments made here. I know Gerald personally and know Stacey personally. You obviously don't know Stacey at all to think this is her blog. Not her style at all.
Exactly what truth is it you would like me to see? Your version of it? Feel free to fill me in on what you view as the truth, as I haven't read any good fiction lately.
I still believe anyone who decides to track down a 7 month old blog entry and make a Federal case out of it is to be pitied. Shouldn't you be putting dress up clothes on your goats and feeding them gourmet meals instead?
oh girls, where are the bikinis and mud pit? i would like to point out that there is no censoring on this blog. every comment goes here without anyones approval and none have been removed if they had been it would say "comment deleted". of course i'm sure you will say otherwise. funnier is that no lies were told, i quoted exactly as the conversation happened on that day back in MARCH. there are no lies being told, nothing was left out, and again it was not a slam on the forum but some of the holier than though attitudes of people on forums. maybe it is your suprise that people don't agree with you here that has you all ruffled. don't know but as a goat i really enjoy those baby carrots and cute little apple slices you call scraps. so anyway you keep digging cause there is nothing hidden, no conspiracy, and no big lie to unveil. in the meantime i'll get the mudpit ready. maybe i'll even throw on a speedo over all my fur and hop in with you girls. talk with you all soon.
gerald the mud wrestling goat
oh crap i made another spelling error, i meant "thou" not "though"
ya know these darn hooves make it very hard to type.
Wow,I have to say,I do understand why yang and animals with opinions do not associate well with those of us who care for our animals in the proper way. This blog is exactly where this junk should stay, not on a forum for the educated to read.
Sorry to offend anyone, but we have to remember, 'animals with opinions", you had to bad mouth me here on this blog. Why didn't you just tell me by e-mail or on the forum what you thought when you were reading what I was writting? Was it easier to do it behind my back, where I could not defend my actions? Hmmm,... It is public, but you did not notify me, yep, it took 7 months to find this crap.
Anyways, the people like me, yeah, the ones that charge a $500 fee for ill treatment to one of my animals, or one that takes a little orphan goat in and treasures it is the type of person people like YOU go to when you need help! Isn't that why you joined goattalk, to ask us for help?
Just remember who you are bad mouthing, the ones that tried to help you!
And everyone should know, N.. is the kindest person I know who has devoted years of her life to animals and helping people like you with their animals.
I suggest you all take a lick out in the real world with this crappy trash mouth bull and see where it goes! I have an idea, go on down to YOUR animal shelter and tell them you think they should feed the rabbits to the dogs and cats!! LOL!!! Come on!!! The question is, do you need mental help?
" . . .but we have to remember, 'animals with opinions", you had to bad mouth me here on this blog. Why didn't you just tell me by e-mail or on the forum what you thought when you were reading what I was writting?"
Uh.........Did we miss the GOT BANNED part here?
Once again we have someone attacking someone else's method of animal care without having a clue what that might even be. You are both showing your ignorance by spouting off about things you have no clue about. You have never met me, never visited my farm, have no idea how I care for my animals, but there you go criticizing. Tsk, tsk.
You would find some of the most pampered goats on the planet. Does that mean I do it your way? No. Does that mean you would automatically assume I'm a bad goat owner and thus a bad person? Yes, because apparently your mind is so narrow it can't conceive of an idea or method other than yours being valid.
If you find what you have read here to be "trash mouth," then I suggest that YOU need to go into the real world, my dear. You have obviously led a very sheltered life.
I am thrilled that you and n are such a boon to animal kind. I am happy for you both and all the creatures you serve and kudos to you. However, I have found in life that those who truly care about animals do so out of love and empathy for the creatures. Not to toot their own horns and insist everyone in the free world must do it their way, or they are wrong.
Having said that, when do you find time to carry on this ridiculous attack? Aren't you neglecting a rabbit or something?
You poor fools. When you sell something to a person, it doesn't BELONG to you anymore. You have absolutely NO SAY in what happens to it after it is sold. That's why a $500 fine for a rabbit ending up in a shelter is stupid. It would be like selling your car to some guy and telling him if he paints it red a month later, he has to pay three times the original purchase price! Now I understand you wanting to be compassionate and responsible breeders, but you have to remember, you are talking about selling either pets or MEAT, not trading slaves. It's a freakin RODENT, not a person! Do you goofballs put dresses on your hamburgers, too? Wait...before you cry, "coward, what's your name," I am no more anonymous than "N" or "J." In the wise words of Bob T. Bear, "Up yer bum."
Hi. "N" and "J." Do you get paid to come around places and push people around? Or do you just do it because both of you are just dumb Goat Talk women? Well, my name is "R." And do you want to know what "R" stands for? "Rid of you Goat Talk women from this site." Now why don't you go cry to your mommy and daddy? HA HA HA. I bet you guys are voting for Obama, because it sure sounds like it. Oh, well. Why don't you just leave Gerald alone and yang now back off you women. HA HA HA. Okay, that's all, thanks. No, stop that's all
I've said my peace.
Good luck out there!
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