our human has acquired more animals over the past couple months. eric and flynn, i made sure to get some kitty pics on here. our human has also acquired alot of death around this place. after floppy she lost spiro her best buck, lilly the big white new zealand, solitaire the little white new zealand, alice the gray chinchilla mix, super buck, two kittens got stepped on and died, many chickens lost their lives, her black lab mix puppy died, all but 4 of the baby bunnies died and one new black rabbit. geesh is that everything? the rabbits died from snuffles like floppy did. she recently got some new rabbits from great stock so hopefully this round will go better. oh i forgot. fuzzball the white new zealand had one baby lastnight that died. oh dear there is more, two of the three new turkeys also died. amazingly the three ducks are still here and very large. the human also has an uncubator with eggs, lots of eggs, in it. hatches will be around the 17th of july. oh and if you have any animals that you want to "off" just let them live over here at the house of death! so here are all the new things
the eggs

the new chickens and turkey

the kittens

Starrynight the buck

father and son

New Rabbits all does

i think that's everything. there are two more large hens not pictured. one of them is black and quite stunning. our human got the hens for the eggs since they only have one hen left from the origional batch and she hasn't started laying yet. i also think it's pretty neat that goat boy is starrynights son. she should have left goat boy intact. starrynight will be used for breeding.
oh i forgot the other two new goats.
here is cinabon and her baby fred.
cinabon is an escape artist. jumps over everything.
lastly i'll add a picture of the ducks because we all love ducks!

making it one day at a time at the house of death