now look, i'm just a cat so i can't write everything out here. my human was telling me about the NAIS thing. it's a bad thing and just another way for government to control your animals too!! they can come on your property and destroy your animals and you can't do a dang thing about it. all this hype about our protection is bogus!!! sure it's just your livestock right now but soon even us cats are gonna have to get this id thingy and the dogs. if you have one rabbit they want to be able to track it. i don't think the government has any business knowing how many rabbits, cats, dogs, fish, or anything we country folk have! it will move into the neighborhoods too. the really bad thing is that now to be able to show your animals they have to have a number. so now, alot of those kids in 4H are now dropping out because they will not get this stupid id number. so just say no to this. write your congressmen and even the lower branches and tell them you don't want your state adopting this rubbish!!! here are just a couple places to go but there are several others. more than several. most people seem to be against this.
and one of my humans favorite places
get a good education from sources besides the usda. they are liars. this whole thing is ridiculous. it is voluntary but is already ruining alot of things. goodbye small farms, hobby farms, homesteading farms and alot of other good things. this will eventually become mandatory if we don't stand up for ourselves. ya know alot of other countries seem a little wacky cause when they get mad people rush into the streets protesting and catching stuff on fire but at least they are passionate. america needs to get rowled up about something and this is a good thing to get rowled up about. now please don't go catch your neighbors car on fire and hurt people. but there is nothing wrong with making yourself heard!!! if that doesn't work, then we can talk about acting crazy!!
fighting NAIS
and you should too