oh and a hole in his hand, the guts came out and left his arm flat!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! she turned his arm INSIDE OUT to stitch his paw closed!!!
oh my goodness! i think i'm going to be sick!!!!
bears' new guts!! those are real beans!
nice job human! he looks like he got a butt lift too!!
what the hell is she doing to him?!
post-op backside
my human said she will give him new eyes as soon as she finds some. finds some? what? is she just going to happen upon some eyes laying outside or something? apparently when the seam ripper was in his face she was extracting the plastic buds his eyes used to be on. i'm gonna be sick again.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!
The sayme thing happend to me in Ireland! I got droppt in the roade by Daddy! Then Mummy and him spent the rest ov their holiday in Limerik lookin for beads for my transfewszun! In the meentime they held my bum together wiv safety pins an IT WAZ VERRRRY ITCHY!!!
Beleev me, the alcohol is a vital nessessity. I had sum Guinness. Wen I woke up I waz better agen. Still got the scars tho.
I had to hav an op on my foot larst yeer, too, cos I waz leekin beeds.
I do hope RK gets better. Duzz he reelly not hav eny eyes? Poor thing. Wat a Crismoss! Oh deer.
Get him sum choklit peanuts. They ar very helpful wen a Bear feels down.
Nose hugs,
Pleez giv us updaytes on how he gets on!
he was mumbling about chocolate peanuts when he was waking up from surgery. my humans owner is bringing some home for him tonight. we will keep you updated on his progress. hopefully he'll have eyes soon.
gerald the majestic goat
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