that's right folks, she got banned from that forum for rude disruptive behaviors!! hahaha so here's is how the story goes...........there was someone wanting advice about buying feed and hay etc. for goats. they'd gone to a feed store and left confused. some of the replies are as follows. this is in regards to an employee that gave advice based off of what he'd been told or otherwise.
"He's and idiot, you want alfalfa, remember people working at feed stores and TSC are employees, who may know a lot, or know just enough to be dangerous. No, he's wrong, grass hay is for horses and cows, NOT GOATS! The people buying grass for goats when alfalfa is available just don't know any better!! "
her reply to these puffed ego's was as follows....
"well i guess i'm just a big dumbass cause my goats get bermuda GRASS hay and alfalfa hay is available to me BUT they get alfalfa pellets. furthermore, person doing research, the people at those stores are not idiots, they are uninformed. be nice to them cause they might just find a part you are looking for or know the number of someone local that might just help you one day. no one is an expert and those claiming to be are snobs. you will NEVER hear the same thing in regards to goats, rabbits, chickens, fish, children etc. so take it all in and then decide what best fits you. around here the goat people feed their goats dairy cow feed. i personally wouldn't, but hey, not my goat."
and this too
"one more thing, what i did is found two people i highly respect that have goats. one is my dealer and the other one does things completely different. i get my info from both of them. if i have a concern i email both of them combine their advice and go from there. then it's easier to figure it out rather than having fifty people tell you fifty different things. the end result of that is pattern baldness from pulling out your hair. "
now what is rude and disruptive about that. she could have said what she really thought to the people who put dresses on their goats, let them run around the house, and call them baby girl!! not to mention the general attitude at forums. she posted picture of two rabbits in a tub that had been breeding just to show a pic of my rabbits. some lady was allover her about how she should only leave them together for a certain amount of time and blah, blah, blah!! she was just posting a bloody picture!! some of those people are nut jobs!! of course this is the lady who wanted to charge $500 if she EVER found one of her rabbits you purchase in a shelter!!! cause you know when you buy a $25 dollar rabbit it isn't yours, it's hers.
so anyway that's her getting banned story. oh dear what will she do. she feeds her goats grass hay and she won't have the forum experts to guide her. all of us animals will surely perish!!! hahaha