Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Kitten Update!

well here they are at two weeks i think. the cat with the funky legs no longer has funky legs. he did lose part of his tale to what my human is calling "tail rot". i like to call it "human helped kira cat get him out cause he was breech and stuck for a very long time". tuxedo cats name is oswald and the striped one is john boy. john boy is loud! i don't know how i feel about him yet. i bet he'll be trouble like me. they are fighting an upper respiratory infection they got from their mom. all the cats had it cause i brought it here. oops! our human is doing what she can to make them comfortable. ever steamed a cat? we did. they had their own little sauna lastnight. i would have taken pictures but i had to help hold them. cat colds are no fun. i sneezed snot all over my human quite a few times when i had it. it was pretty disgusting.

penelope the snot free cat

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