here are some of my friends that are staying at the humans friends place. it's been very hard on the human cause she loves her goats alot. she said life is so weird without them just outside everyday. she has found a few houses they are interested in so maybe just maybe something will happen so that she can move back in the country and get back to life the way she loves it.

from left to right: gidget(nigerian/boer, vera(lamancha), and rose(mini mancha)
gerald the country loving goat
Your friends look lovely, but of course, not majestic like you. We hope things work out well for your human so you can all move back to the country together.
thank you. i myself acknowledge the benefits of city life but there really isn't much graze here. plus i had way more to talk about with all of the animals we had. yes many an adventure was had out there.
gerald majestic
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